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Atlas TC229LH Tire Changer
Atlas TC229LH
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Atlas® TC229LH Left Assist Arm Wheel Clamp Tire Changer w/Bead Blaster

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Your Price: $3,499.00
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Description Specifications

Atlas TC229LH

The Atlas® TC229LH wheel clamp tire changer is the Atlas® TC229 wheel clamp tire changer that has been equipped with the pneumatic Atlas® LH assist arm. The addition of the Atlas® LH assist arm to the Atlas® TC229 makes the Atlas® TC229LH one of the most powerful wheel clamp tire changers in the marketplace.

The Atlas® TC229LH wheel clamp tire changer is the perfect tire changer for the small automotive garage or ATV/MC dealer. The Atlas® TC229LH has the same clamping and tire changing capabilities as the Atlas® TC 221 wheel clamp tire changer, but has the added bead blaster system to help inflate stiff sidewall tires or other "hard to inflate" tires. If you are going to be changing larger pickup truck (1 ton), large SUV wheels, or agricultural tires (either now or in the future), you may want to consider the Atlas® 289 wheel clamp tire changer.

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